1. TUCTF 2017: Guestbook (250)

    We are given an ELF executable file, guestbook and a service for the executable. Our goal is to spawn a shell from the service. Decompiling guestbook with IDA will yield this C pseudo-code:

    int __cdecl main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp)
      char s; // [sp+0h] [bp-98h]@16 …
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  2. MeePwn CTF 2017: Simpler RSA (100)

    We are given two files: one is simple.py, which used to do an encryption, and pubkey.txt, which is the generated public key when encrypting with simple.py. Here's the content of simpe.py.

    from Crypto.Util.number import *
    import random
    # from flag import FLAG
    def generate(nbits):
        p …
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  3. MeePwn CTF 2017: |\/|/-\T|-| (100)

    We are given a file, hack.py, which looks as follows.

    from Crypto.Util.number import *
    from hashlib import md5
    flag = "XXX"
    assert len(flag) == 4
    pad = bytes_to_long(md5(flag).digest())
    hack = 0
    for char in flag:
        hack+= pad
        hack*= ord(char)
    print hack
    print pad
    print hack % pad
    #hack …
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